HomeWindows 8NetworkingChanging the IP address and DNS settings

2.1. Changing the IP address and DNS settings

Aim of this article:

This article will advise how to change your computer's IP address and DNS servers on Windows 8.  This article applies to any version of Windows 8.

Changing settings in Control Panel:

  1. If you are using a PC, move the mouse cursor to the bottom or top right corner of the screen and select the cog icon for Settings.

    If you are using a tablet, swipe left from the right side of the screen and select Settings.

    Windows 8 - Settings
  2. Select Control Panel.

    Windows 8 - Control Panel
  3. In the Control Panel window select Category and then select Large or Small icons.

    Windows 8 - Icon Selection

  4. Select Network and Sharing Center.

    Windows 8 - Network and Sharing Center
  5. Select Change adapter settings.

    Windows 8 - Change Adapter Settings
  6. Right click on your connected network and select Properties

    Windows 8 - Properties
  7. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCIP/IPv4).
  8. Select Properties.

    Windows 8 - TCP/IPv4 Selected
  9. Select Use the following IP address and Use the following DNS server addresses to change your computer's IP address and/or DNS server addresses.

    Windows 8 - TCP/IPv4 Propertes
  10. Select OK to save.

Your computer should now be able to communicate with your network and the Internet using the new settings..


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