Home → CIT (UK) Own Brand Services → Using Email on your Computer (Kerio) → Apple Mail 3 (OS X 10.5)
2.5. Apple Mail 3 (OS X 10.5)
This article describes how to configure email accounts in Mail in Mac OS X 10.5. The exact steps to take depend on the email service you use.
Manually configuring Mail
- Open Mail (click it on the Dock or open it from the Applications folder).
- If the "Welcome to Mail" assistant does not appear, choose Add Account from the File menu.
- Fill in the Full Name, Email address, and Password fields.
Note: Your email account password will be stored in Keychain and used automatically to login to your email account when you open Mail.
- Deselect "Automatically set up account" if it is enabled. Click Continue to proceed.
- Choose the proper Account Type. Ordinarily, we suggest that you choose POP.
- Give your account a useful description, such as "Anne's company account" or "Juan's admin account". It can be called whatever you want.
- Enter your Incoming Mail Server, User Name and Password. Note: The incoming mail server if your using Central IT's mail service is mail.centralit-hosting.co.uk
- The username is your email address. We should already have provided you with a password for the account.
- Click Continue to proceed.
- For the Outgoing Mail Server, a useful description such as "My Outgoing Mail Server" or "Central IT Outgoing Mail Server".
- Enter the Outgoing Mail Server details. You can set this to mail.centralit-hosting.co.uk
- Select "Use Authentication" and enter your User Name and Password. Your username is your email address. The password is the same as the one used for your incoming mail server.Click Continue to proceed.
- If prompted, enter your Outgoing Mail Security settings. Authentication should be set to 'Password.' Click Continue to proceed.
- Verify your settings in the Account Summary. Check "Take account online". Click "Create" to complete the process.
- Finally, it's strongly recommended that you do the following: Go to the Mail menu, then preferences, select the account which you have just created and then select the advanced button. Check the remove copy from the server after retrieving a message option and then select after one week from the tab below. Save the changes when you close down the prefer preferences window.
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