Home → Cloud Services → Managed Antivirus (BitDefender) → How to uninstall the software (Mac)
1.1. How to uninstall the software (Mac)
Under normal operation, we can remotely remove the endpoint agent from the management console. This is a remote operation and doesn't require any manual intervention.
In some circumstances, the agent software may not uninstall correctly and will need to be manually removed. The following instructions must be performed locally using Terminal.
In order to remove the product from the machine you can either use these commands:
- sudo /Library/Application\ Support/Antivirus\ for\ Mac/Tools/uninstaller.py
- /Library/Bitdefender/AVP/Uninstaller/BitdefenderforMacUninstaller.app/Contents/Resources/preinstall.py
Please follow this guide to completely remove the software:
Finally,if the situation is not resolved, please do provide us with a Bdprofiller from the affected machine so that we could investigate further.