HomeOffice 365Microsoft Outlook 2016, 2019 & Microsoft 365Remove and Re-add Microsoft Outlook Account

5.4. Remove and Re-add Microsoft Outlook Account

If your Microsoft Outlook account is exhibiting strange behavior, it is quite simple to delete and then recreate it. The steps to do so are presented below.


Remove Your Existing Outlook Account

  1. On the Outlook main menu, select File > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences menu, select Accounts.
  3. Select your account and clickin the bottom left corner.
  4. Select Delete.
  5. Quit Outlook.

PC Windows

Remove Your Existing Outlook Account

  1. On the Outlook main menu, select File.
  2. With Info selected in the left frame, click on the Account Settings icon in the right frame.
  3. In the Account Settings drop-down menu, select Account Settings...
  4. In the Email tab, click on your Davidson email address to select it.
  5. With your Davidson email address selected, click on the X Remove toolbar icon just above the selected email account.
  6. Click on the Yes button.
  7. Click on the Close button.
  8. Close Microsoft Outlook 2016.

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