Home → Software Titles → Apple iLife → iPhoto: How to move the Library folder to a new location
2.1. iPhoto: How to move the Library folder to a new location
This article shows you how to move the iPhoto Library folder or Library package to a new location.
Note: The iPhoto library in iPhoto '08 or later is called a package.
Pre-iPhoto '08 Post-iPhoto '08
The iPhoto Library folder or package contains imported photos and any albums you've created using iPhoto. If you want to move your iPhoto Library folder or package to a new location, you must move the entire folder or package and then identify its new location in iPhoto. The following steps only apply to iPhoto 2 and later. For iPhoto 1.1.1, refer to iPhoto 1.1.1: How to Move the iPhoto Library Folder to a New Location.
Note: If you move, delete, rename, or change files or folders in the iPhoto Library folder, you may be unable to see your pictures in iPhoto.
To move the iPhoto Library folder or package to a new location:
- Quit iPhoto if open.
- Open your Pictures folder and select the iPhoto Library.
- Drag the iPhoto Library folder or package to its new location.
If you are using iPhoto '08 or later, you can double-click the iPhoto Library icon in its new location to open iPhoto. iPhoto will remember this new location in the future.
If you are using iPhoto '06 or earlier, you will need to follow these steps to tell iPhoto where the Library is now located:
- Hold down the Option key on the keyboard and open iPhoto. Keep the Option key held down until you are prompted to create or choose an iPhoto Library.
- Click Choose Library.
- Locate and select the iPhoto Library in its new location.